We love spooky season! Witches with brews, vampires with cravings, mad scientists with a plan... and of course plenty of family-friendly characters!
For a twilight/terror-ific hotel vibe, bring in some helpful yet mischievous bellhops!
When he's not digging graves, he's pacing his graveyard. Trespassers beware.
They may take a bite...
These actors can welcome attendees and then party motivate on the dance floor later in the night!
Step Right Up ... to meet this cirque-inspired creepy Ringmaster!
She often blends in with the scenery, so you won't see her coming.
Have you ever seen ghosts this fancy?
This experiment won't go wrong!
Don't worry ... he'll keep his fangs to himself!
Adults love candy too! (Learn more about our Living Tables here!)
These Lion Tamers can brave any beast (and, if desired, can also pass out themed drinks from our 360degree Trays)!
Ready to check-in to a spooktacular party!?
The bubbly has never tasted better..!
Feeling witch-y?
Striking and stunning!
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Living Tables