Mr. Scott is a man of many talents. His multiple skillsets range from acting to stilt walking to choreographing. He holds a BA in Theatre and has worked with the nation's top theme parks, including Disney World and Cedar Point in Ohio. In addition to performing with PEP, Bradford also contributes his expert opinion to many of our projects as a Production Consultant. Read on for a behind-the-scenes interview with Bradford...

IP (Isabel Power): When did your entertainment journey begin?
BS (Bradford Scott): It was during show choir in high school! I really got into that because the best thing happened - I got cut from the basketball team and so I went into theater! I did my first production of Annie, and there was one moment when I was called out by the theater director. He said, 'Bradford, please stand up.' (As a freshman, I did not know what to expect, I thought I was in trouble!) And he said to everyone, 'Look at Bradford, he is doing everything I am telling him to do, and then some.' I didn’t even know I was acting, I thought I was just being myself. And that’s when I knew that there was a natural talent somewhere inside me.
IP: That sounds like a wonderful pivotal memory. Speaking of memories, what has been your favorite role and/or show that you’ve been a part of?
BS: My favorite role I’ve done was in Robber Bridegroom the musical. It was a country western style musical, and I played a fun part - a floating head named Big Harp. And my entire number was all me as the head and I had to do choreography with just my head. My favorite show was Footloose. With Footloose… I was a young adult black man in theater, in the suburbs, playing this high-energy high schooler with costumes. I feel like I broke a lot of barriers there.
IP: What made you decide to pursue the arts in college?
BS: I knew I wanted to pursue it going to college. This was set when I was a senior in high school. I tried to go with what I was good at naturally. I knew that I could find something that was my niche. And, what separated me from my family and what they wanted… everyone in my family was taking a more typical route. Get their college degree, 9-5 job, marry, and have kids. I didn’t think I was going to be on the same route. And I knew for a fact, that entertainment, theater, musical theater, any type of acting, was my niche going forward.

IP: Tell me about what happened after college and why you came to Orlando.
BS: I graduated in 2013 and I actually had a good friend who told me he was living in Orlando. He had an apartment and he asked me if I’d be willing to relocate to Orlando. And I said, 'Okay!' So, I had $200, a suitcase, and a dream. That was it.
IP: What did you love about Orlando that made you want to stay here the past 9 years?
BS: The new family that I created here.
IP: In general, what excites you about live entertainment?
BS: You only get one take!
IP: What kind of impact do you feel you’re making when you work?
BS: I feel I make a great impact… not just for little boys of color, but in general. So I see it as, you never know who your performance could touch. One really cool story is, I was performing at Give Kids the World. I didn’t know any background of this kid, but I could tell he was blind. He was feeling on my face to see how I looked in his eyes, through his eyes. I knew that doing this type of meet-and-greet interaction was special and that I was making a difference in this kid’s day. And, being a person of color and making it in this career, showing that if I’m doing this, then you can too. I want to be a source of inspiration - showing that anything is possible.
IP: We love having you be a part of PEP. What do you like about working with PEP?
BS: They pay on-time. Not a lot of jobs do that! So, it shows that PEP has a commitment to you and that they respect me and my work. And that means that you want to make sure to give them work quality that is above and beyond.
IP: What has been one of your favorite events with PEP?
BS: Our annual team party!
IP: That is always fun! What has been one of your favorite events you’ve worked with PEP?
BS: The event with the family at the golf club. The family was amazing because they came there to have a great time, and it was really enjoyable overall. And because I really got to be myself! I got to be myself as a performer because they just want to see our natural personality shine through.

IP: What excites you about the future/what are you looking forward to?
BS: Coming up, I want to look into stepping up in my leadership role(s). I have knowledge I want to share with the newer generations. I want to go into the phase of leadership (whether as a choreographer, trainer, show director) to raise this next generation of performers. I do see myself working on Broadway, movies, voice-over work as well. If I stayed on a condensed path, I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now. For example, I came down here as a singer/dancer/actor. I’m coming out now as a stilt walker, choreographer, stuntman, roller skater…
IP: You have an abundance mindset!
BS: Yes. I feel like I don’t have to fit everything into a small bubble. I can keep expanding my bubble to see how far I can go and how much I can do.
IP: I love that. Thank you so much for your time, Bradford.
BS: You’re welcome.